
Please fill out the following questionnaire prior to your first class at grounded krav maga. your details will be securely stored.


This is how we run the club - pretty simple really! Have a look through and make sure you understand our T&C

Grounded Krav Maga Terms and Conditions of Participation

Responsible Adult must read the following terms and conditions thoroughly. If there is any uncertainty, please seek clarification from a team member before proceeding.

General Terms of Training and Membership

1. Grounded Krav Maga agrees to provide instruction in Krav Maga to the Member during the scheduled instruction hours.
2. Responsible Adult understands that the Class Fees are due and payable prior to class on booking where practical, otherwise on commencement of the class.
3. Grounded Krav Maga reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time with written notice to the Responsible Adult.
4. The Member agrees not to teach or instruct any other person in Krav Maga outside of formal classes unless they are qualified to do so as a certified Krav Maga Instructor.

Member Health and Safety

5. Responsible Adult fully understands the risks involved with training in Krav Maga and acknowledges that there may be physical contact between the Member and other participants during training.
6. Responsible Adult understands and acknowledges the possible risk of injury that may result from participating in Krav Maga training.
7. Responsible Adult acknowledges that the Member voluntarily agrees to engage in training and understands that this type of training is inherently dangerous, even with supervision. The Member agrees to follow all instructions provided by Krav Maga Instructors to ensure personal safety and the safety of others during training.
8. Responsible Adult accepts all risks involved and agrees not to hold Grounded Krav Maga, its instructors, members, and staff liable for any injury or damages sustained in connection with the Member’s participation in this or any other training provided by Grounded Krav Maga.
9. In the event of an emergency where the Responsible Adult cannot be reached, the Responsible Adult hereby gives permission to Grounded Krav Maga staff to administer necessary first aid and contact emergency services if required. This includes consent for medical treatment or hospitalisation for the Member.

Zero Tolerance for Bullying and Harassment

10. Grounded Krav Maga has a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, harassment, and any behaviour that makes others feel unsafe. This is a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is encouraged to contribute positively to our strong and connected community. Any violations of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion from the training program.

Code of Conduct

11. All Members and their guardians must adhere to the code of conduct, which includes respect for all participants, the avoidance of disruptive behaviour, and upholding the values of the Grounded Krav Maga community. Failure to adhere to this code may result in corrective action.
Additional Grounded Krav Maga Terms
12. Grounded Krav Maga shall not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen articles, whether inside or outside the facility.
13. Grounded Krav Maga reserves the right to amend or add to these terms and conditions as necessary. Any changes will be communicated to the Responsible Adult in writing.
14. Responsible Adult confirms that they have read these terms and conditions thoroughly and that all information provided in the training form is truthful and accurate.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

15. Grounded Krav Maga encourages bookings to be made in advance to allow for proper class planning. If a Member needs to cancel, you can reschedule to another class without penalty, but we ask that this is done no later than an hour before your class.
16. Cancellations within 12 hours of the specialist classes like the "Intro to Krav Maga” class may incur a 50% fee. Exceptions may be made for unforeseen circumstances at the discretion of Grounded Krav Maga.

Privacy and Data Protection

17. Grounded Krav Maga is committed to protecting the privacy of its Members. Personal information collected during the registration process will be used solely for the purposes of managing membership and ensuring the safety and well-being of participants. Grounded Krav Maga will not share personal information with third parties without consent, except where required by law.